Wagonwheel Millennium shakers glazed forest green

Wagonwheel Millennium shakers glazed black

Wagonwheel Millennium shakers glazed cabernet

Wagonwheel Millennium shakers glazed navy blue

Wagonwheel Millennium shaker group

Wagonwheel Millennium shakers glazed bone white

Wagonwheel Millennium shakers glazed white

Wagonwheel Millennium shaker compared

Wagonwheel Millennium shakers glazed teal

Wagonwheel shakers glazed desert sand

Wagon Wheels Millenium Shakers:

94H, 1994-

I almost placed this group with the other Millenium shakers, but truth be told these shakers are from the same mold as the old ones. So, notwithstanding that the company was in new hands, I extended the Wagon Wheels section.

The main difference between these shakers and the old ones is in the glazing. I admit to a substantial prejudice toward the old Frankoma shakers, but the glazes on this group are all outstanding. While the shakers look like the old Wagon Wheels, one does not have to look twice to see the difference.The glazes are solid colors and heavily applied.

The millennium wagon wheels are much more difficult to find than the old wagon wheels. I think Frankoma made the new ones for a very short time and so they are scarce. I am still guessing on the dates for these, but the glazes available indicate a mid-1990's production time frame.